Monday, May 9, 2011

Homework assignment #3

well i have come to the realization that this class is a little bit ahead of me - i'm just not quite ready to take pictures of other people's kids, etc - i'm not ready to really put myself out there as a "photographer" - i did have plans to shoot my good friends kids this week but came down with bronchitis and strep throat and then my daughter got sick and since she has a 3 year old and 5 month old, i just didnt want to bring my sickness to them - so again i settled with my daughter trying to work the shooting children's assignment in - so i interviewed myself :) - totally not what i was supposed to do and I'M SORRY -but this class is giving me GREAT tools to use when i am ready to get out there. i just feel that until i have my new lens (this week hopefully) and a little more practice i'm not ready to really show my work to others....but i feel like i'm making progress, i learned a little about lightroom this week, ordered a new lens and am learning tons from this class - so have no fear. i'm not a completely lost case yet! also i promised to do a shoot for a different friend this weekend so it looks like my time has run out in staying in the safety of my family...
so on to my "assignment" i know my daughter loves hats and shoes and dressing up - so i got out her favorite hat and prepared a shot list - i found a really cute picture of a little girl with an owl hat and they cut her off right under the eyes, so i had that picture in my head when i took these - couldn't decide if i prefered black & white to color.... then i tried to get a full face with her looking at the camera- i learned in my first lesson asking her to look at the camera and smile wasnt working - so i had some tricks, in these and the one's before i had dora fruitsnacks and would give her one and tell her to stand by the wall - which actually worked! and she'd look at me in anticipation of the next fruit snack - we are working on colors so i'd ask her what color the fruit snack was when i held it up by my lens -yay!

and i had a cute picture in my head of her in this fur vest trying on mommy's shoes -but she wasnt happy with the wardrobe and of all the shots - i liked this one best as it's authentic - this is my daughter - she is going through some tough times in her life and this is her most days at some point. i like how the shoes are in the corner forgotten because she is upset at what she's wearing - my caption to this one is - Future member of PETA.

so i apologize for not really doing the assignment. i really feel like getting my new lens and learning a bit more in lightroom will hopefully give me the courage to take my photography outside my little world -


  1. You so do not need to apologize. You took photos and you learned a few things and you got some totally awesome shots! I was thinking before I finished reading your post that the last shot will be totally awesome to have years from now! Cute shots...that 3rd one down is completely adorable. Love the tongue and that smile is as cute as ever! She is so cute! Great job! Hope everyone is feeling better!

  2. What a cute little girl! Love the black and white, love the real-feel of the pouty shot. You're doing a great job! You and I have both learned alot about editing during this class - among many other things!

  3. Turn that frown upside down right now! Your pics this week are fantastic! You have grown SO much as a photographer in these past few weeks, and it really shows in each of the shots you submitted. You are totally ready to share your vision and talent with people outside of your family. You go, girl!:)

  4. I agree, these are super cute!! I know it gets a bit overwhelming and discouraging but every week we learn just a little more :) Good luck this weekend!!
