To plan I first started at and also looked for some images via a google search but I found my best poses and inspirational photos via pin-interest. I also found that creating an inspirational board on pin-interest was way faster and easier for me than keeping them on a blog - although people can see them. I quickly realized though I'm attracted to the same style of photography, soft lighting, lifestyle....but am frustrated I'll never be able to get my images to look anything like those I was pinning.
I did create a shot list for the Easter shot and also a list of props -easter basket, bunny ears, easter dress etc....but once I started shooting that all went out the window. -although I have to say I was extremely excited to know this trick that photographer's do - it helped me immensely with my lack of creativity and really got me dreaming :) so back to the shoot - I was trying to keep up with a daughter who WILL NOT sit still and WILL NOT look at the camera - I dont even think I was paying attention to focus, shutter speed (basics) very dissapointed in myself. Do you have suggestions on how to focus and make sure you are getting the shot when your subject is constantly in motion or does this just take time? also, she didnt want anything to do with any of the props. so here are my images - not at all happy but I'm hoping that you can give me some pointers on how to be better.

manual mode, ISO 100, 1/200s, f/5.6, spot metering

manual mode, 1/160s, f/5.6, spot metering, ISO 100
i'm also having a really hard time with editing - especially when trying to blur my background using layers - I submitted this question in the question section.
And one last thing - I'm feeling very limited by my camera and lens -I just have a kit lens but I'm trying to justify the cost of upgrading when I'm nowhere near actually taking pictures for money - any suggestions?
do a lot of photograher's start our frustrated? I'm wondering if maybe shooting kids is not my cup of tea - although these are the images I love to look at and long to create?